- RAEF was established in 1995 and was initially capitalized with $55 million by the U.S. Congress in order to support the development of the private sector in Romania through direct equity investments and loans
- Since its inception in 1995, RAEF invested in excess of $80 million and attracted a further $140 million from co-investors in equity and quasi-equity transactions
- Its investee companies have attracted more than $300 million in bank debt
- RAEF’s portfolio included a large range of private equity deals: privatizations and restructuring transactions (Policolor, Rolast, Marmosim) , expansion capital injections into privately held companies (DOMO, TitanMar, Logic Telecom), joint ventures and start-ups
- From 1998 onwards, RAEF and the team placed a special focus on financial services (Banca Romaneasca, Banca Agricola, Motoractive, Domenia, Ralfi, CAPA Finance/Patria Credit), building locally unrivalled expertise in the financial services sector